Artículo de Inés Marco, Miembro de la Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda (PACD) Publicado en «Sostenible?», Desembre 2013, núm. 14, p. 59-74. Documento completo [CAST]
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Archivo de la etiqueta: austerity
Action week: Bail out people not the banks!
Everywhere in Europe, debt repayment is used by governments as a pretext to impose the biggest social backslash since World War II. Everywhere citizens’ rights and hard-won social benefits are jeopardized.
CADTM suggests alternatives to this unfair and deadly logic. Some have been concretely experimented in Southern countries and are worth being examined, others are being explored and need strengthening, others yet have to be invented. All will require our common endeavour. Sigue leyendo
Grecia. November 14: to be counted en mass and not back down.
by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens
∫connessioni precarie asked Christos Giovanopoulos from the Dikaioma network in Athens for a contribution to the debate on the European situation towards November 14. This is not only a correspondence, but the beginning of a dialogue which hopefully will continue, and which aims to build up connections around the strike and against the crisis.
November 14 will be an important day. We are at the height of a crisis which, despite the uses and misuses related to the term governance, is unlikely to find a reliable government at all. Despite this, the measures adopted against the crisis purport to govern millions of people in view of a continuously postponed future. On November 14, thousands of men and women intend to strike in order to show that they don’t want to be treated as the current side effects of crisis.
For us, to get ready for this date means to reflect on the situation that makes it a pressing and almost indefeasible need. The urgency of the situation is enormous and by now almost unbearable. But it’s not enough. Sigue leyendo