Archivo de la etiqueta: Debt

El Banco Central de Grecia recurre a la solidaridad

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El Banco Nacional de la República Helena ha iniciado una campaña de captación de fondos privados para pagar la deuda pública. La cuenta llamada “SOLIDARITY ACCOUNT FOR REPAYMENT OF PUBLIC DEBT” ha sido publicada en las actas oficiales del estado (correspondientes al BOE del Estado Español).


Action week: Bail out people not the banks!

Everywhere in Europe, debt repayment is used by governments as a pretext to impose the biggest social backslash since World War II. Everywhere citizens’ rights and hard-won social benefits are jeopardized.

CADTM suggests alternatives to this unfair and deadly logic. Some have been concretely experimented in Southern countries and are worth being examined, others are being explored and need strengthening, others yet have to be invented. All will require our common endeavour. Sigue leyendo

Grecia. November 14: to be counted en mass and not back down.

November 5th, 2012 @

by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens

∫connessioni precarie asked Christos Giovanopoulos from the Dikaioma network in Athens for a contribution to the debate on the European situation towards November 14. This is not only a correspondence, but the beginning of a dialogue which hopefully will continue, and which aims to build up connections around the strike and against the crisis.

November 14 will be an important day. We are at the height of a crisis which, despite the uses and misuses related to the term governance, is unlikely to find a reliable government at all. Despite this, the measures adopted against the crisis purport to govern millions of people in view of a continuously postponed future. On November 14, thousands of men and women intend to strike in order to show that they don’t want to be treated as the current side effects of crisis.

For us, to get ready for this date means to reflect on the situation that makes it a pressing and almost indefeasible need. The urgency of the situation is enormous and by now almost unbearable. But it’s not enough. Sigue leyendo

Thomas Sankara: un líder africano con un mensaje para Europa

De Nick Dearden, de Jubilee Debt Campaign UK. Publicado en inglés en Red Pepper Octubre 2012

15 de octubre se cumple el 25º aniversario del asesinato de un héroe de la liberación africana. Tenemos que recordarlo, para desafiar la visión dominante de la impotencia de África y combatir nuestra propia crisis de deuda en Europa.
El 15 de octubre de 1987 una revolución llegó a su abrupto y sangriento final con el asesinato de Thomas Sankara, presidente del nuevo estado nombrado Burkina Faso. En los años siguientes al asesinato de Sankara, por su otrora amigo de confianza Blaise Compaoré que dirige Burkina Faso hasta hoy, su revolución fue revocada y el país se convirtió en otro feudo en África del Fondo Monetario Internacional. Pero por un breve periodo de 4 años, Burkina Faso brillaba, un buen ejemplo de lo que puede lograrse incluso en uno de los países más empobrecidos del mundo.

Sankara fue un joven oficial del ejército del Alto Volta, una ex colonia francesa que se gestionaba como una fuente de mano de obra barata para la vecina Costa de Marfil en beneficio de una pequeña clase gobernante y sus patrocinadores en París. Como estudiante en Madagascar, Sankara se había radicalizado por las oleadas de manifestaciones y huelgas que tengan lugar allí. En 1981, fue nombrado miembro del gobierno militar en el Alto Volta, pero su abierto apoyo a la liberación de la gente común en su país y fuera de éste, finalmente le llevó a su detención. En agosto de 1983, un golpe de estado liderado por su amigo Blaise Compaoré, lo llevó al poder a la edad de sólo 33 años. Sigue leyendo

International Week on Debt: October 8th to 15th

The Citizen’s Debt Audit Platform – Spain (PACD), will be celebrating the International Week on Debt from October 8th to 15th, which has been held for several years now (

This year is especially important for the North for we now too find ourselves in an austerity process promoted with the excuse of debt, much of which we consider illegitimate, claiming the right to know how its built up and denouncing the illegitimacy of the debt mechanism itself.

Of particular importance also because it coincides with the 25th anniversary of the death of Thomas Sankara, president of Burkina Faso, murdered because of his struggle against neo-colonialism and particularly against modern slavery, caused by public debt (

The PACD supports and actively participates in the 13O global mobilization.

We are preparing a week of actions, activities, talks and others… and will soon have the full program ready!

Against illegitimate, illegal, odious or simply unsustainable debt and austerity measures…   Don’t owe, won’t pay!

In solidarity with the Greek people, against illegitimate debts and austerity measures, let us mobilize! For joint actions for large Euro-Mediterranean’s mobilizations in autumn 2012! (new site under construction)
@AuditCiudadana @AuditoriaBcn