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What the PACD means by «Citizen Debt Audit» and «Illegitimate Debt»


This text was written collaboratively by PACD-Barcelona after receiving proposals from different political parties on debt audits.


Political Parties and Audits.

This past March 12th the left-wing parliamentarian group Izquierda Plural (IU, ICV-EUIA & CHA) presented in the Congress of Deputies a non-legislative motion for “the creation of a Public Debt Audit”, as well as “a commission to determine the economic and social criteria so as to qualify part of the debt as odious.”

Almost simultaneously, both groups ICV and CUP separately questioned the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya in the Parliament on the question of the debt. This questioning derived in motions to propose an audit of the Catalan public Debt. The coalition Compromís in Valencia (Bloc, IdPV & Verds) also made public last March 20th a report on the illegitimacy of the Valencian debt, and proposes “to audit the accounts of the Generalitat Valenciana to check whether the public debt is due to operative functioning necessities or to other causes, therefore identifying and quantifying what is known as illegitimate debt.”

Furthermore, in the European Parliament, the group Verdes/ALE has managed to introduce a proposal for a Public Debt Audit in the Gauzés Report (about the efforts to supervise the economy and budgets by the member States that are going through, or are in risk of having, great difficulties with financial stability within the Euro zone).

In October 2011, the proposal to do a Citizen Debt Sudit of the Spanish debt arose from a meeting between different social movements and organizations, assuming as their own the proposal from social movements in the South. Since then, several political parties have also adopted as their own the proposal of auditing public debt as a tool for fighting against payment of illegitimate debt, both by including such initiative in their electoral programme and by making specific proposals in the institutions where they are present.

It is encouraging that the proposal to analyse the origin, composition, management and impact of the public debt has become a priority to some political parties. To promote and to demand citizens’ right to know what is behind a debt that is being paid with social cuts and reforms, cannot but overjoy us.  Nonetheless, we understand that these are distinct proposals that, although complementary, have different objectives and methodologies. Sigue leyendo

¿Sabías que lo que llamamos «deuda española» es fundamentalmente «deuda privada»?


En los medios de comunicación se suele responsabilizar al endeudamiento público de la actual crisis financiera (la llamada crisis de deuda soberana).

Nos dicen constantemente que «hemos vivido por encima de nuestras posibilidades», que “no podemos permitirnos el actual nivel de gasto público”, que las prestaciones actuales del llamado Estado de bienestar están “más allá de nuestras posibilidades”. En definitiva: hay que recortar.

Pero esto es falso. Sigue leyendo

The Spanish Debt Audit Platform (PACD) celebrates in Barcelona its 3rd national meeting (31M, 1-2J).

After more than a year active, the Spanish Debt Audit Platform (PACD) met in Barcelona to celebrate their 3rd national meeting where groups from different cities, created around the Spanish state, attended to share together the work done so far. Topics such as: what do we mean when talking about illegitimate debt, strategy issues, a workshop on how to audit, territorial extension work and commissions’ dynamics were worked on.

2013-06-01 - Encuentro estatal PACD Barcelona. Foto grupo

More images: Gallery

The event started on Friday May 31st with an open public event with the following agenda: Sigue leyendo

La PACD celebra en Barcelona su 3er encuentro estatal (31M, 1-2J).

Tras más de un año de andadura, la PACD se reúne en Barcelona para celebrar su 3er encuentro estatal, donde acudirán integrantes de los diferentes nodos creados alrededor del estado español para poner en común el trabajo realizado hasta la fecha y donde se tratarán temas como: qué entendemos por deuda ilegítima, cuestiones de estratégia, un taller sobre cómo hacer una auditoría, trabajo de extensión y dinámicas por comisiones.

El encuentro arranca el viernes 31 de mayo con un acto abierto al público, con la siguiente agenda:

18:00- Presentación pública de la PACD.

18:30- Conferencia Internacional: La Crisis de la Deuda.

Organiza: Observatori del Deute en la Globalització. «La crisis de la deuda no es un problema exclusivo de Europa. Los países del Sur han luchado durante décadas, y siguen luchando, contra la dictadura de la deuda. Para poder hacer frente a esta crisis es necesario aprender del Sur, visibilizar los paralelismos existentes entre las crisis de la deuda en el Sur y en el Norte, y cómo han configurado alternativas y estrategias de resistencia, para poder actuar conjuntamente de forma global.»

20:30- Cena a cargo de la Comisión de Cocina del 15M Plaça Catalunya (aportación libre).

22:00- «El daño que hacen las matemáticas». Show humorístico de economía de Paul Borons.

El sábado y domingo (1 y 2 de junio) se dedicarán a trabajo interno de la plataforma.

* Dirección del encuentro: Centro Aurea Social, Calle Sardenya 263