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Ecuador Ama la Vida… y las auditorías

Entre los meses de Julio y Agosto se realizó en Quito el curso «El modelo del Buen Vivir Ecuatoriano y la Perspectiva de Integración Latinoaméricana«. Personalidades del ámbito académico y político hilvanaron una serie de seminarios para 65 personas de entre 20 y 35 años, de Latinoamérica y Europa (oriundos y ecuatorianos migrantes) y que abarcaban el amplio espectro de izquierdas existentes tanto en la renovada «Revolución Bolivariana» como en el Estado Español, que contó con 6 participantes aquí nacidos. Entre ellos, 2 colaboradores de la PACD: Aïda Llauradó, de Badalona, y un servidor.

Economic governance, the Troika and the struggles against European neoliberalism


Follow the meeting & conclusions through Storify blog

The meeting intends to bring activists, organizations and networks that are addressing the undemocratic neoliberal crisis strategy and governance imposed from the EU – the EU shock doctrine – and discuss together which strategies have been more successful and to identify what are the common lines from which we can draw a genuine European movement.

Austerity, privatisation and attacks on social rights are being pushed systematically from the European level. While there have been many impressive struggles at the national level in Southern Europe, European coordination and its response is still small.

First steps towards more European coordination have been around sporadic action days. They have allowed in some countries to make resistances visible but have not managed to achieve a substantial turn around. At the same time new forms of action, organisation and campaigning are emerging, but often with little coordination between the social actors – from the more radical to the more traditional – that promote them. Sigue leyendo

The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. The anniversary of broken promises

5 years after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and the beginning of the worst economic crisis in decades, the EU has not delivered on promises of strong regulation of the financial sector. A swift overhaul is needed. Together with other organisations (full list at the end), CEO has signed the statement below. 

The 15th of September marks the fifth anniversary of the most spectacular bankruptcy in the financial crisis of 2007-2008. On that day, renowned Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy due to disastrous investments in US real estate through financial products. At the time, European leaders made bold promises to reform financial regulation in the EU “to respond to crises, but also to avoid them in the future”, Commission President Barroso said. Five years on, the results are woefully insufficient. Sigue leyendo

La quiebra de Lehman Brothers: El aniversario de las promesas rotas


Cinco años después de la quiebra de Lehman Brothers y el comienzo de la peor crisis económica, social y ecológica en décadas, la Unión Europea no ha cumplido sus promesas de regulación del sector financiero.  Una urgente revisión es necesaria.

El 15 de septiembre marca el quinto aniversario de la quiebra más espectacular de la crisis financiera de 2007-2008. Ese día, Lehman Brothers, el conocido banco de inversiones de Wall Street, se declaró en quiebra debido a sus desastrosas inversiones inmobiliarias a través de productos financieros. En aquel momento, los líderes europeos hicieron valientes promesas de reformar la regulación financiera en la UE “para responder a las crisis, pero también para evitarlas en el futuro”, dijo el presidente de la Comisión Europea, José Manuel Durão Barroso. Cinco años después, los resultados son tristemente insuficientes.

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#15MpaRato: Presents document in the National High Court to proove the preferred shares fraud


 Source: 15MpaRato blog

As many of you know, since we filed in June 2012 the #QuerellaPaRato (lawsuit against Rato), we have been presenting financial authorities like the CNMV (National Securities and Exchange Commission) such basic questions as «what are preferred shares» – that invention of Rato – or «who were they sold to» and «what were the investors’ profiles».

Very simple questions, the result of a complex legal strategy.

Repeatedly asking what are these preferred shares was how we got the CNMV report. Now, any swindled person can use it to file a criminal lawsiut against their bank, instead of embracing an arbitrage which is nothing but a trap, since it only seeks that swindled renounce legal action (they know they would loose in a court case). The answer was what we suspected: preferred shares are a scam. But it is not the same to suspect this, to having the CNMV itself openly confess it in a report full of details. Sigue leyendo

#15MpaRato: Presenta hoy un nuevo documento en la Audiencia Nacional para probar la estafa de las Preferentes


Fuente: blog 15MpaRato

Como muchos sabéis, desde que presentamos en junio de 2012 la #QuerellaPaRato hemos estado presentando ante autoridades financieras como la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), dudas tan elementales como “qué son las preferentes” – ese invento de Rato o “a quién se han vendido esas preferentes, a qué perfiles de inversores”.

Cuestiones muy simples, fruto de una estrategia legal compleja.

Preguntando insistentemente qué eran las preferentes, fue como conseguimos el informe de la CMNV que cualquier estafado puede utilizar ahora para denunciar por la vía penal  a su banco, en lugar de tener que acogerse a un arbitraje que no es sino una trampa, pues solo busca que los estafados renuncien a emprender acciones legales (saben que por la vía judicial tienen las de perder). La respuesta era la que sospechábamos: las preferentes eran una estafa. Pero no es lo mismo sospecharlo, que sea la propia CMNV quien lo confiese abiertamente en un informe con todo lujo de detalles. Sigue leyendo

Breaking away from debt at a municipal level


Molins de Rei’s Council declares illegitimate part of its debt

Pablo Martínez & Iolanda Fresnillo, PACD members.

Hundreds of city councils all over Catalonia and the Spanish State are under financial hardship since the begging of the crisis. The debt of local corporations in the Spanish state has reached 67 billion Euros in December 2012, a rise in 230% since year 2000. Even though this comprises only 57% of the Spanish state’s public debt, this debt has a direct impact on the services provided by local governments to cover essential services such as education, health or social welfare policies, integration, equity and cooperation, as well as economic stimulation

More and more, the debate about the obligation to pay or not pay the debt is being considered by city councils. Recently the city council of Badalona has approved a motion that declares part of the municipal debt illegitimate. They were preceded by some city councils in the province of Valencia.

The financial drowning of the city councils has been caused by a deficient financing system and an unsustainable indebtedness. Adding to this, the political centralisation process (driven further by the Popular Party), is trying to diminish the power of local councils. Even though there is a clear shift of the local powers and competences to central government hands, thus separating them further from citizens and social control, there are still a number of aspects to exert pressure on in order to achieve changes at a the municipal sphere. Sigue leyendo