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<font size="20">''The Paradise of Debt.''</font>
Will you help the Cat King make his citizens happy?
Make the cat population happiness gauge reach 100%!
<<set $deuda = 0>><<set $monedas = 5>><<set $felicidad = 10>><<set $year = 2008>><<set $gastosocial = 1>><<set $pagodeuda = 0>><<set $pagoartes = 0>><<set $impuestos = 3>><<set $ciudadartes to true>><<set $ruina to false>><<set $pacd to false>>[[Continue|Deuda]]<<display "Contador">>
<<if $felicidad lt 100>>* Build houses for cats: [img[images/house.png]] Cost: [img[images/coin.png]] Happiness: +5% <<if $monedas lt 1>><font color="red">YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THIS</font><<else>>[[Buy HERE|Vivienda]]<</if>>
* Build a hospital: [img[images/hospital.png]] Cost: [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] Happiness: +10% <<if $monedas lt 2>><font color="red">YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THIS</font><<else>>[[Buy HERE|Sanidad]]<</if>>
* Build a school: [img[images/school.png]] Cost: [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] Happiness: +10% <<if $monedas lt 2>><font color="red">YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THIS</font><<else>>[[Buy HERE|Educacion]]<</if>>
<<if $ciudadartes>>* Build a City of the Arts: [img[images/arts.png]] Cost: [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] Happiness: <font color="red">+100%</font> Benefits from tourism: [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] <<if $monedas lt 4>><font color="red">YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THIS</font><<else>>[[Buy HERE|Ciudad Artes]]<</if>><</if>><<if $ruina>>* Finish building the City of the Arts: [img[images/ruin.png]] Cost: [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] Happiness: <font color="red">+100%</font> (This time for real! Seriously!) Benefits from tourism: [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] <<if $monedas lt 4>><font color="red">YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THIS</font><<else>>[[Buy HERE|Ruina]]<</if>><</if>><<if ($monedas lt 2) and ($pagodeuda lt 6)>>* A kind banker [img[images/banker.png]] from ''Dogtander Bank'' makes you an offer YOU CAN'T REFUSE. He will lend you [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]], but you will have to pay him [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] in exchange during 10 years. [[Do you accept?|Prestamo]]<</if>><<if ($monedas lt 2) and ($pagodeuda gte 6)>>* A kind banker [img[images/banker.png]] from ''Dogtander Bank'' is thinking about lending you some money, but in view of your current debt <font color="red">HE ISN'T SURE THAT YOU'LL BE ABLE TO PAY IT BACK</font>
* Representatives [img[images/ue.png]][img[images/ue.png]][img[images/ue.png]] from the <font color="yellow">European Union</font> are concerned about the the country’s high level of debt, so they offer you [[a solution to this financial predicament.|Troika]]<</if>><<if $pacd>>
* Some citizens [img[images/riot.png]] propose a [[Citizens’ Debt Audit|Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda]]<</if>>
<<else>><font size="20">''CONGRATULATIONS!''</font>
You have made the cat population happy.
[[Do you want to try again?|Inicio]]<</if>><table>
<td rowspan="3">[img[images/kingcat.png]]</td>
<td colspan="2">Coins: <<for $i to 0; $i lt $monedas; $i++>>[img[images/coin.png]]<</for>><<if $monedas eq 0>> <font color="red">You're broke!!</font><</if>></td>
<td><font size="10"><<print "Year: " + $year + " ">></font></td>
<td>Happiness:<<for $i to 0; $i lt $felicidad; $i++>>[img[images/full.png]]<</for>><<for $i to 0; $i lt (100 - $felicidad); $i++>>[img[images/empty.png]]<</for>><<print " " + $felicidad + "%">></td>
<td colspan="2">Debt:<<for $i to 0; $i lt $deuda; $i++>>[img[images/debt.png]]<</for>><<if $deuda eq 0>> No current debt.<</if>></td>
<tr><td colspan="3">This year's Public Expenditure is: <<for $i to 0; $i lt $gastosocial; $i++>>[img[images/debt.png]]<</for>></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">The cat population will pay taxes adding up to: <<for $i to 0; $i lt $impuestos; $i++>>[img[images/coin.png]]<</for>></td></tr>
<<if $pagodeuda gt 0>><tr><td colspan="3">Due to debts, you will have to pay: <<for $i to 0; $i lt $pagodeuda; $i++>>[img[images/debt.png]]<</for>></td></tr><</if>>
<<if $pagoartes eq 1>><tr><td colspan="3">Maintenance of the City of the Arts will cost you: [img[images/debt.png]]</td></tr><</if>>
<tr><td colspan="3"> Accordingly, your available funds will be: <<for $i to 0; $i lt ($monedas + $impuestos - $gastosocial - $pagodeuda - $pagoartes); $i++>>[img[images/coin.png]]<</for>><<if ($monedas + $impuestos - $gastosocial - $pagodeuda - $pagoartes) lte 0>><font color="red">NOTHING</font><</if>></td></tr>
</table><<set $monedas = $monedas - 1 + $impuestos - $gastosocial - $pagodeuda - $pagoartes>><<set $deuda = $deuda - $pagodeuda>><<if $deuda lte 0>><<set $deuda = 0>><<set $pagodeuda = 0>><</if>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad + 5>><<set $year = $year + 1>>[img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]]
You bought a house for homeless cats. Happiness increases by 5%!
<<if $monedas lt 0>><<set $deuda = $deuda + ($monedas * (-1))>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda + 1>><<set $monedas = 0>><font color="red">Be careful! You spent more money than you could afford. Your debt has increased while your cats' happiness has decreased by 5%.</font><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 5>><</if>>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]]<<set $monedas = $monedas - 2 + $impuestos - $gastosocial - $pagodeuda - $pagoartes>><<set $deuda = $deuda - $pagodeuda>><<if $deuda lte 0>><<set $deuda = 0>><<set $pagodeuda = 0>><</if>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad + 10>><<set $year = $year + 1>>[img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]][img[images/hospital.png]][img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]]
You purchased a hospital to provide health coverage to a new district. Happiness increases by 10%!
<<if $monedas lt 0>><<set $deuda = $deuda + ($monedas * (-1))>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda + 1>><<set $monedas = 0>><font color="red">Be careful! You spent more money than you could afford. Your debt has increased while your cats' happiness has decreased by 5%.</font><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 5>><</if>>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]]<<set $monedas = 0>><<set $deuda = $deuda + $pagodeuda>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 20>><<if $felicidad lt 0>><<set $felicidad = 0>><</if>><<set $year = $year + 1>><<set $ciudadartes to false>><<set $ruina to true>>[img[images/ruin.png]][img[images/ruin.png]][img[images/ruin.png]][img[images/ruin.png]]
The City of Arts has turned into a big disaster! Its construction has exceeded the budget so much that it has ruined the Kingdom of Cats. On top of that... the construction is not even over! You still have to pay [img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]][img[images/coin.png]] more in order to finish it.
The cat population is really upset. Happiness decreases by 20%!
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]]<<set $monedas = $monedas - 2 + $impuestos - $gastosocial - $pagodeuda - $pagoartes>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad + 10>><<set $deuda = $deuda - $pagodeuda>><<if $deuda lte 0>><<set $deuda = 0>><<set $pagodeuda = 0>><</if>><<set $year = $year + 1>>[img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]][img[images/school.png]][img[images/house.png]][img[images/house.png]]
You purchased a school to provide education to a new district. Happiness increases by 10%!
<<if $monedas lt 0>><<set $deuda = $deuda + ($monedas * (-1))>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda + 1>><<set $monedas = 0>><font color="red">Be careful! You spent more money than you could afford. Your debt has increased while your cats' happiness has decreased by 5%.</font><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 5>><</if>>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]]<<set $monedas = 0>><<set $deuda = $deuda + $pagodeuda + $pagoartes>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 30>><<if $felicidad lt 0>><<set $felicidad = 0>><</if>><<set $year = $year + 1>><<set $ruina to false>><<set $pagoartes = 1>>[img[images/arts.png]][img[images/arts.png]][img[images/arts.png]][img[images/arts.png]]
The City of the Arts is finally finished!
But... its construction has exceeded the budget and the kingdom is ruined again.
The population of cats is even angrier than before, and they criticize your bad management. Happiness decreases by 30%! The building has such bad press that no tourists come to see it. Moreover, the buildings' maintenance costs you one more [img[images/coin.png]]!
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1JpNs7st08o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]]<<set $monedas = 10 + $impuestos - $gastosocial - $pagodeuda>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda + 2>><<set $deuda = $deuda + 20>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 10>><<set $year = $year + 1>>[img[images/banker.png]]
Welcome to the wonderful world of debt!
Thanks to this loan, you'll be able to face new expenses. But, due to your debt, the cat population's happiness has decreased by 10%.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cKmBYXb_9-Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]][img[images/ue.png]][img[images/ue.png]][img[images/ue.png]]
<font color="yellow">"The debt of your country is UNSUSTAINABLE. We offer you a solution. We are willing to decrease your debt to 50%... but you must adopt one of the following measures."</font>
* [[Privatization of public services|Privatizacion]]
* [[Dismissal of public servants|Despido]]
* [[Change of employment laws|Laboral]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]]<<set $year = $year + 1>><<set $pacd to true>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 20>><<set $gastosocial = $gastosocial + 1>><<set $deuda = $deuda / 2>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda / 2>>
Privatizing means selling public services formerly offered by the State. The cost of these services grows both for the citizens and the state. Then, basic services like health and education that should be available for everyone are not available for all citizens. In other instances, it implies selling state resources like water or energy companies, which may deprive a wide part of the citizenship of basic services like electricity or heating. This fact is known as ''energy poverty''.
Because of these measures, the cat population suffers and happiness decreases by 20%. Besides, the added cost of privatization makes Public Expenditure increase by one more [img[images/coin.png]].
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/biT1jZCYZxU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]]<<set $year = $year + 1>><<set $pacd to true>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 20>><<set $gastosocial = $gastosocial + 1>><<set $deuda = $deuda / 2>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda / 2>>
Forcing a country to dismiss a high number of public servants (as happened in Greece) means paving the way for private companies to take charge of those services.
Because of these measures, the cat population suffers and happiness decreases by 20%.
Besides, the added cost of unemployment subsidies makes the Public Expenditure increase by one more [img[images/coin.png]].
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cYqsh4pJKyI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]]<<set $year = $year + 1>><<set $pacd to true>><<set $felicidad = $felicidad - 20>><<set $gastosocial = $gastosocial + 1>><<set $deuda = $deuda / 2>><<set $pagodeuda = $pagodeuda / 2>><<if $impuestos gt 0>><<set $impuestos = $impuestos - 1>><</if>>
One of the financial elites’ favourite measures are cutbacks of employment protection: reducing the price of dismissal, increasing the retirement age or reducing the ability of workers to negotiate with their company. These measures, contrary to what is usually believed, promote job insecurity and increase unemployment.
Because of these measures, the cat population suffers and happiness decreases by 20%.
Besides, the added cost of unemployment subsidies makes Public Expenditure increase one more [img[images/coin.png]]. Since there are less workers, taxes collected decrease by one [img[images/coin.png]].
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/H7UjngYOF3s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[One year passes in the Kingdom of Cats.|Deuda]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]][img[images/riot.png]]
A ''citizens’ debt audit'' enables assessment and questioning of the debt policies adopted by a country's authorities. It does not only apply to financial data, but also includes a deeper and broader analysis of the fundamental rights of citizens, of environmental impact and of the lack of transparency, as well as the ''rights of the citizens over those who rule them'', and hence the citizens’ right to participate in public affairs in an active way.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l4WbauBItgM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
To perform a citizens’ audit means to ''examine and evaluate the processes that have caused the debt'', with the aim of assessing not only if the accounting data is reasonable, legitimate and transparent, but also if it has been harmful to the population according to the legal, accounting, financial, environmental and social rules of the State.
Thanks to the ''Citizens’ Debt Audit'', the cat population can analyse the debt's legitimacy and ''refuse to pay the part of the debt that is not legitimate''.
<font size="20">Because ''WE DON'T OWE, WE WON'T PAY''</font>
[img[images/Logo PACD.png]]
[[Click here to continue.|Ejercicios]]Briefly discuss with your classmates the problems that the cat citizenship has encountered; what has gone wrong and why:
* What went wrong when building the City of the Arts? What could have been done to avoid these issues?
* What role have the banks played in the debt?
* What has been the role of the European Union? Do you think that it has solved any of the debt problems or have they created new ones?
* Must all debts be paid? If not, which ones do you think must not be paid and why?